

A Hand Hacksaw Blade is a type of cutting tool used for manually cutting through various materials such as metal, plastic, and wood. It is a narrow, rectangular blade made from hardened steel with teeth along one or both edges.

Hand hacksaw blades come in different lengths and teeth-per-inch (TPI) configurations, which determine the blade’s cutting ability and the material it is best suited for. The TPI refers to the number of teeth on the blade per inch, and generally ranges from 14 to 32 TPI. The higher the TPI, the finer the teeth and the smoother the cut. Lower TPI blades are best suited for cutting through thicker materials.

Hand hacksaw blades are typically mounted onto a hacksaw frame or bow saw frame, which holds the blade under tension for efficient and effective cutting. These saws are commonly used in workshops, construction sites, and DIY projects to cut through various materials.

Hand hacksaw blades come in different lengths and TPI configurations, which determine the blade’s cutting ability and the material it is best suited for. The following are some common sizes for hand hacksaw blades:

  • 10-inch blade with 18 to 32 TPI for cutting thin metal or plastic
  • 12-inch blade with 14 to 32 TPI for cutting metal or wood
  • 14-inch blade with 14 to 24 TPI for cutting thicker metal or wood
  • 16-inch blade with 14 to 18 TPI for cutting thicker metal or wood

It’s important to note that the specific size and TPI of the blade will depend on the material being cut and the type of saw being used. Always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations for the proper blade size and TPI for your specific application.

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